Beware of the fury of a silent man,
Is something learnt recently by Imran.
Whilst facing the Indian spin,
He had often shuddered within,
And now he’s regretting how it all began.
Terror has been Pakistan’s biggest export,
His people have always loved this sport,
They extinguish innocent lives,
And then exchange high fives,
And eventually look for Chinese and Islamic support.
But suddenly the rules of the game changed,
For those who from their birth were deranged.
They should look for another pastime,
That’s sans violence and crime,
Before they are, in world community, totally estranged.
Guess what, Imran, it has just begun,
You’ve bowled too long with the bomb and the gun.
This is just our second boundary,
And you’re already in a quandary,
You thought your game no one had ever won.
At one time I wasn’t very well read. I didn’t have any degrees in school; college I never went to. I knew a few jokes but no one ever laughed on them. I was as far away from poetry and writing as I could get. The only time I wrote something of my own was when the teacher asked me to write the spellings of ‘queue’ a hundred times. I had limited imagination. When asked how much was my IQ, I confidently answered, “I don’t queue. I stand by myself.”
I had no opinions about anything. One of the many reasons was that if I expressed anything, they would badger me with the IQueue thing and I never wanted to stand in the queue even if I’d miss the bus or the train.
My grammar was as poor as how about half the Indian population lives, that is, BPL. If I had to correspond with anyone, I preferred sending telegrams with a number conveying all that I wanted to.
But then, one day I discovered Whats App.
Now, I know everything. Well, almost everything. I could never get a degree such as BA, MA or MBBS. Now I am proud to be called MF or simply Master of Forwards. Soon, I shall be called WhD, a much more advanced degree than PhD. I am almost there with my Doctorate in WhatsApp.
Grammar is no more important to me. I substitute what I don’t know with emojis: which is almost everything.
My ‘finds’ on the net are admired (liked) by everyone, many by innovative use of emojis of their own; after all many of them share my qualifications and those who are well educated see great advantage in getting rid of their actual degrees and also strive to be MF and WhDs, the ‘in’ things.
My ‘intellectual’ conversation with God!
From the time I learnt something called Copy-Paste (I am thinking of getting another degree in this) I have acquired the requisite skills in being a raconteur of anecdotes, jokes, poems and other stuff.
I have also joined the league of those who have opinions about everything. Hundred percent of my opinions are copied and pasted but who is wiser? Those who read are like me; those who know better don’t read this zilch anyway.
Darwin or some other joker said that there is survival of the fittest. I call it FFF or Fastest Finger First, the difference between an ordinary person and a Crorepati (from a programme successfully Copy-Pasted from abroad). Take for example, yesterday, when the Union Budget was announced. Indians, as you know, are dying to know how much more tax they have to pay (they are amongst the least tax compliant people on earth). So, with my FFF, I got to my friends Budget Highlights before they could get them to me. I am really smart. Ten minutes of delay and they would have won.
Finally, when they ask me about IQ, I tell them….
Sorry, I can’t tell you that here. Meet me privately and I shall bring you to the same ‘intellectual’ level that I am at.
The guy who bemoans ‘Forwards’ is also the one who forwards these blithely? That’s the lure of the ‘Forwards’. Everyone falls prey to them sometime or the other. Everyone complains; everyone is excited to receive ‘Likes’ on ‘Forwards’.
First of all we like the ring about the word. It is a modernistic – well – forward thing to do. Imagine, if these were actually to be called ‘retards‘ (some of these are actually that only). We’d feel ashamed to share these. However, with ‘Forwards’, we have the feel-good factor of belonging to a generation that is in with new and exciting trends.
Why Are Forwards Attractive?
Lets look at some of the other things that make these attractive.
First and foremost is the ease of sharing these. Initially, WhatsApp encouraged people to forward videos, images and messages without much restriction. But, then governments (the people who are convinced that you elected them to control your lives) stepped in to restrict and monitor. Even with the present restrictions by WhatsApp, for example (of forwarding to not more than five contacts or groups at a time), you can still forward these to thousands of people without any cost to yourself except that of your time. But that’s less than five minutes most of the times.
Second is the absence of ownership. Most of these don’t carry any mark of the original author. Earlier, we used to hope that people reading our ‘forwards’ would regard us as ‘original’ authors or creators of the forwards. Now that WhatsApp has started inserting the word ‘forwarded’ with such messages, we hope to be regarded as their ‘original’ discoverers on the net with ‘painstaking research’ that we often want to be known for.
These have fuzziness of origin. This bestows on us forwarders great advantages. In case our friends are floored by it, we can share some more views on the subject. Conversely, we can disassociate with these altogether by saying, “Yaar, it is only a ‘forward’.” Now imagine if you were to share your friend’s original writing or creation (how we hate these); you would be bracketed with the views for no fault of yours.
These enable Delinking from the grammar. Most ‘Forwards’ make mockery of the grammar and the language in which they are expressed. You can totally delink from it. Lets say, you have to write something original (what a calamity). You have to be careful about language, grammar and so many other things including the correctness of the facts. Now, that would be painful. However, in a ‘Forward’ sab kuchh chalta hai (everything is fair). Most often than not, if you ain’t sure, you can replace the suspect word with an emoji. Or better still, if someone points out incorrectness of something, you can respond with an emoji and let him or her figure out what you meant.
These are not taxing on the brain. With the modern emphasis on fast food and instant gratification, ‘Forwards’ provide light reading and viewing. These go well with our own (acquired) reasoning: “As it is the ruddy life is complicated these days. I don’t want to read Dostoevsky or Franz Kafka on social media. I just want to get away from the humdrum of life (which is about eighty percent of my free time; but, I don’t want to say it).”
Take blogs (acronym for Web Logs), for example. There are any number of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) organisations that would teach you not to write great articles but to write those (dumb ones) that would be popular on the net. Most bloggers, therefore, become net-savvy and technical-savvy rather than writing-savvy.
Forwards don’t ask questions. Now this a great relief and advantage. Your friends who write original articles (the minority, that is) would nag you with such questions as, “I wrote a piece on China’s Maritime Strategy; I hope you read it?” Now, perforce, you have to read the damned thing and give opinions one way or the other (you can’t imagine responding to someone’s views on China’s Maritime Strategy with an emoji). A ‘Forward’ on the other hand can be just ignored when you are hard pressed for time (which is most of the times).
Forwards make you more popular. If you are one of the old-fashioned guys who actually delves into original writing after spending hours researching it, you are vaguely admired and respected by a few. The others respond to your so-called original writings in somewhat similar manner as they do to Mumbai Rains. Which is, that rains are most welcome when they start, say in mid June (“Ah, rains, so refreshing”). However, by mid July everyone is fed up of them. By mid August, you are praying frequently that there won’t be any more rains. In sharp contrast, ‘Forwards’ are like those light squalls that are welcome anytime, anywhere.
My own original writings, for example, hardly ever get me any comments except from a handful of people. However, my ‘brilliant Forwards’ are often (if not invariably) commented upon.
The ‘original authors and creators’ of ‘Forwards’ are really bright people. The guy who is essaying with something original has much to learn. However, “the ‘original authors and creators’ of ‘Forwards’ are highly professional people who are skilled to write what they write. It is such a pleasure reading them.”
Forwards, like Religion, do not carry time stamps. They are like Tennyson’s Brook; they go on forever. In contrast, original writings, even blogs, carry time stamp. When you re-re-re-discover a ‘Forward’, you can start to get likes and comments as if it is just out of the oven.
What are the disadvantages, if at all, of ‘Forwards’?
It has been proved that out of all the people on earth, Indians indulge in ‘Forwards’ more than others. More than five years ago, in a piece titled ‘Indian Media And the Dumbing Down Of The Indian Society‘, I had brought out how the media falls head over heels to keep the society dumbed-down. What is true of the media is also true of the social media. ‘Forwards’ keep you from any serious writing, reading, research, thought and innovation. Yes, you emerge as a ‘Master of Forwards’ (MF) whereas you should be a MA or PhD.
(Cartoon copied from
Popularity at the expense of quality is another Indian trait. In our system of democracy, we expect the dumbest of the people to rule the country simply because they obtain majority votes. The intellectuals, innovators, writers, authors, scientists etc hardly have any say.
They spread rumours. Most ‘Forwards’ appear very authentic but do not stand scrutiny of factual examination. Like Religion, the more they spread, the more following they get and obtain a degree of respectability. Finally, the danger starts when people start quoting them as ‘authentic information’.
They produce clones. Do you remember at one time people used to have tailor-made clothes? Then came blue-jeans and sizes that would fit vast numbers of people. We did away with that uniqueness that God bestowed upon each one of us. That was in clothes. With ‘Forwards’ we are going to do with thoughts too. Very soon people would start looking like emojis.
Social interactions are all about ‘influencing’ people. I would rather influence minds that can respond with unique and original thought processes rather than minds that have been conditioned to resemble vegetables by relentless barrage of ‘Forwards’.
मैखाने में जितने पैमाने हैं वो भीे शर्माएं,
मेरे साकी तो इतनी मुझे शराब दे दे,
यही सज़ा है मेरी नशा भी न चढ़े मुझको,
एक दो पेग नही मुझे बेहिसाब दे दे।
रम उठाने के लिए मैं तो पीये जाऊंगा,
हरक्युलिस, ओल्ड मोंक, नाम लिए जाऊंगा।
हाय तूने मुझे ठर्रे के सिवा कुछ न दिया,
और मैंने अंग्रेज़ी दारू के सिवा कुछ न पीया,
तूने शर्मिंदा किया संतरी पिला के मुझको,
तुझे क्या मालूम मैंने एक सिप भी न लिया।
रम उठाने के लिए मैं तो पीये जाऊंगा….
देसी दारू मुझे अब भी नहीं भाती है,
स्वाद और बदबू दोनो का जनाज़ा लेकर,
सोचता हूँ कब तूँ स्कॉच लेके आती है,
मेरी अच्छी परवरिश का इशारा लेकर।
रम उठाने के लिए मैं तो पीये जाऊंगा….
Maikhaane mein jitne paimaane hain wo bhi sharmaayen,
Mere saaki tu itani mujhe sharaab de de;
yehi saza hai meri nasha bhi na chdhe mujhako.
Ek do peg bahin mujhe behisaab de de.
Rum uthaane ke liye main to piye jaayunga,
Hercules, Old Monk, naam liye jaayunga.
Haay tune mujhe dharre ke siva kuchh na diya,
Aur maine English daaru ke siva kuchh na piya;
Tune sharminda kiya santri pila ke mujhako,
Tujhe kyaa maalum maine ek sip bhi na liya.
Rum uthaane ke liye main to piye jaayunga….
Desi daaru mujhe ab bhi nahin bhaato hai,
Swaad aur khushbu dono ka janaaza lekar;
Sochata hoon kab tu Scotch leke aati hai,
Meri achhi parvarish ka ishaara lekar.
Rum uthaane ke liye main to piye jaayunga…
उससे मिलते ही आंखें हो गयी चार,
ऐसे लगा जैसे हो गया हो प्यार,
बढ़ते बढ़ते 106 तक पहुंच गया बुखार,
मैं तो हो रहा था बहुत शर्मसार,
तीर-ए-इश्क़ हो गया था दिल के पार,
दिल की धड़कन की तेज़ हो गयी रफ्तार,
सोचा किसका होगा इस से हसीन यार,
बस एक बार डाल दे यह बाहों का हार,
तो इसी से बसा लूं अपना घर संसार,
कभी न होगा इस परी से टकरार,
देखने में लगती है यह फ़िल्म स्टार,
दोनो मिल के दुनिया से हो जाएंगे फरार,
और पहुंच जाएंगे हैं चांद सितारों के पार,
मेरी उम्मीदों के चमन में आने को थी बहार,
रंग-ए-मलाल हो गया था मेरा रुखसार,
आंखों में आ गया एक अजीब सा खुमार,
फिर धीरे से कानो में पड़ी उसकी पुकार,
हाथ बढ़ा उसने जज़्बात का किया इज़हार,
और कहा अब ना करना कभी इनकार,
जेब में हाथ डाल और दे दे कुछ पैसा उधार।
Like a whirlwind he went on the Facebook,
‘Liking’ everything that he could find;
Unmindful of the time and pains the authors took,
In one minute he put all that behind.
It took more time for the writers,
To thank him for ‘liking’ their posts.
But, he was still better than those blighters,
Who are invisible like the ghosts.
There is, however, that rare breed,
Who, on the merits of the posts, comments.
They are not looking for the slightest lead,
To display to everyone their (hidden) talents.
You scratch my back, I scratch yours,
Hasn’t been, by them, perfected as an art.
They write their names amongst the doers,
Who breathe in more than they fart.
You too don’t have to be on a conquest,
‘Liking’ and ‘winning’ everything as if smitten;
Give your ‘Liking’ finger a little rest,
And let your eyes actually read that is written.
And lo! You will gradually discover,
You’ve gained a lot from this medium;
As also you’d very soon recover,
What you lost by ‘liking’ and acting dumb.
These poems are for my close friend Maj Vishwas Mandloi’s delightful group of tipplers called i-peg. One has to raise a toast to the committed lot for their single-minded aim of spreading cheers!
The last one was titled ‘Kaash Shraab Ke Dariya Hote‘
Here is the 13th poem:
I wanted her to appreciate,
The king at the end of drinking.
Her attitude was enough to indicate,
She wasn’t, in that manner, thinking.
She looked at me hard,
Her eyes were not even blinking.
I was just a miserable discard,
My heart started sinking.
So I nearly threw the bottle and glass,
For the last time heard their clinking.
But, then, I thought it’d be an act most crass,
My friends would call me a Joe who’s stinking.
So, I kissed the pair (bottle and glass) with emotion,
I saw them appreciatively winking.
And I offered my wife too the magic potion,
For infusion, if not for drinking.
Our days (and nights too) have changed friends,
She sees the king at the fag end of drinking.
I don’t have to make, for her, any amends,
Her joys and mine are forever linking*.
Now our days start with loads of love,
Our evenings have the sounds of clinking;
She is thankful to my little shove,
That changed forever her thinking.
Philosophy should be for the great thinkers,
Socrates, Plato, Tagore, Vivekananda and their kind;
We should be content in wearing blinkers,
And not tinker with matters of the mind.
We have perfected our responses on the net,
To ‘Like’, ’emojis’ (depicting emotions) and ‘Comment’;
We can’t be expected to think, fume and fret,
About everything that is, on the net, sent.
Life is as simple as IPL cricket match,
Over which time can be justifiably dissipated.
But, certainly, we can’t open our mind’s hatch,
To the product of a mind that’s constipated.
In any case, who can reason about death and life,
Subjects that are beyond most of us?
If in a lifetime one can understand one’s wife,
That itself would take away most of our fuss.
You should stick to ‘Humour’, Ravi, my dear,
That, we acknowledge, is your core strength.
But, delving in Philosophy, is something, we fear,
Should never be attempted by you at length.
Look at me, how simple I have made my life,
I enjoy my life, to the hilt, as it comes;
No ‘negative thoughts’, no worry, no strife,
I totally leave philosophy to the bums.
These poems are for my close friend Maj Vishwas Mandloi’s delightful group of tipplers called i-peg. One has to raise a toast to the committed lot for their single-minded aim of spreading cheers!
हमें बहुत पसन्द थे पूरी छोले,
लेकिन हम थे उस वक़्त बहुत भोले;
तकरीबन बीस हमने खा लिए,
और यूँ कहो के गंगा नहा लिए।
रात भर पेट से आती रही आवाज़,
और अंदरूनी सरगर्मियों के खुल गए राज़;
तब तक तो ज़िन्दगी थी जिस्मानी,
पर तब से रोहानी ज़िन्दगी का हुआ आगाज़।
बड़े जोर से खुदा को किया याद,
और कहा, ए पालनहार, सुनले मेरी फरियाद,
तूने जब पूरी छोले इतने स्वाद बनाये थे,
सोचा क्यों नहीं क्या होगा खाने के बाद।
अगली सेहर खुदा का आया जवाब,
मैंने दुनिया में कई चीजें बनाई लाजवाब;
पर पूरी ज़िंदगी पड़ी है उन्हें खाने के लिए,
एक ही बार खाने से तो होगा पेट खराब।
सामने आ गयी सब खुदा की सच्चाई,
बुद्धा, नानक, ईसा, मोहम्मद ने नहीं थी बताई;
खुदा की दिलकश चीजों का मज़ा लेना है तो,
पहले दूध से हटा लो सारी की सारी मलाई।
क्योंकि जो चीजें बनी हों बहुत स्वाद,
उनसे हो जाती है ज़िन्दगी बर्बाद;
चखने में तो लुत्फ आ जाता है, रवि,
ग़म ही ग़म मिलते हैं खाने के बाद।