I started this series on my Facebook group Yaad Kiya Dil Ne on 18 Aug 20. Since then, many other members have put up these songs. Here, I shall be giving you one of my own, per day.

This is the Song #15 in the series. I hope you liked Song #14 – Bhool sakta hai bhala kaun?

Song #15
Dil ka haal sune dilwala
Theme-word: Where is it? You won’t believe it; it occurs right in the end: Aadhi raat ko mat chilana

Comic and Farcical Songs

The hallmark of great lyricists is that he would write comic and farcical songs in addition to all the other genre’s. One must look at the comic songs of a serious lyricist Raja Mehdi Ali Khan, for example. On one hand he started his career with the unforgettable Do Bhai (1947 movie) song: Mera sundar sapna beet gaya (the debut movie of Geeta Roy (later to become Geeta Dutt) as a singer) and went on to make such beautiful numbers as Lag jaa gale ke phir. On the other hand he delved in comicality.

You may like to read his humorous poem that I translated five years ago: Adib Ki Mehbooba.

Shailendra has been a very deep thinking lyricist (he had no independent life as a poet). And yet he wrote the Parivaar song for Kishore Kumar: Kuve mein doob ke mar jaana, Yaar tum shaadi na karna.

This one is as comical.

The situation is that the slum dwellers are protesting against being moved out by the rich industrialist and they are making life hell for him by making unfettered noise.

Manna Dey and Comical Songs

He became the master of the game. Indeed, all great singers tried their hand at singing this genre’. The other day we listened to Ajahu na aaye baalma sawan beeta jaaye in Raag Mdhuwanti sung by Rafi and Suman Kalyanpur and picturised on the comedians Mehmood and Shubha Khote. Manna Dey had sung for the two: Pyar ki aag mein tan badan jal gaya.

When I was still in the Navy, I directed and acted in many plays including comedies. I used to tell the cast during rehearsals that Comedy is serious business; it is comedy for the audience but actors must take it seriously. It is the same with this song. Its composition by Shankar Jaikishan is like any other serious song! And Manna Dey’s singing for Shree 420 Raj Kapoor is exquisite.

My Own Poetry

I too have delved in comedy in my poems. Here is one that I have picked at random:

Mere Ghamon Ka Ilaaj

दुनिया में कोई अपना है तो वो है शराब,
बाकियों ने तो मिल के ज़िन्दगी की है खराब;
एक एक के किस्से सुनाता हूँ मैं आज सब को,
सब के चेहरों से आज मैं उठाता हूँ नकाब।

पहले मेरी बीवी थी बहुत कमसिन और हसीन,
अब लगती है जैसे buffalo in tight jeans;
रवैय्या उसका अब ऐसे जैसे कोई सैय्याद हो,
हर एक बात पे create करती है scene.

बच्चे मेरे ऐसे जैसे अपने नहीं पराये हों,
जैसे ससुराल से श्रीमति जी ने दहेज में लाये हों;
लोगों को तो वो यूँ बताते फिरते हैं,
Daddy के ज़ुल्मों से बहुत तंग आये हों।

रिश्तेदारों के बारे आप को क्या सुनाएं,
ग़म के गीत बार बार क्यों हम गायें;
उन्हें ज़रूरत है तो आ जाते हैं खाली हाथ,
मेरी ज़रूरत में तो वो नज़र भी ना आयें।

दोस्त मेरे हैं एक से एक बड़ के,
आते हैं मेरे पास अपनी बीवियों से झगड़ के;
मेरी दारू, मेरा खाना खाने के बाद,
चले जाते हैं मूँह बनाये मुझसे ही लड़ के।

इस हालात में मेरे पास एक ही है सहारा,
बाकियों से तो हम कर बैठे हैं किनारा,
सारे ग़म, सारे गिले शिकवे हो जाते हैं दूर,
एक जाम को जब गले से नीचे उतारा।

इसलिए शराब बनी है सबसे बड़ी मीत,
ज़िन्दगी से हार के यही है मेरी जीत,
इसी से शामें जो पहले कभी कटती नहीं थीं,
अब तो पल भर में खुशी से जाती हैं बीत।

Please enjoy: Dil ka haal sune dilwala…

दिल का हाल सुने दिलवाला
सीधी सी बात न मिर्च मसाला
कहके रहेगा कहनेवाला
दिल का हाल सुने दिलवाला

छोटे से घर में गरीब का बेटा
मैं भी हूँ माँ के नसीब का बेटा
रन्ज-ओ-ग़म बचपन के साथी
आँधियों में जली जीवन बाती
भूख ने हैं बड़े प्यार से पाला
दिल का हाल…

हाय करूँ क्या सूरत ऐसी
गांठ के पूरे चोर के जैसी
चलता फिरता जान के एक दिन
बिन देखे-पहचान के एक दिन
बांध के ले गया पुलिसवाला
दिल का हाल…

बूढ़े दरोगा ने चश्मे से देखा
आगे से देखा, पीछे से देखा
ऊपर से देखा, नीचे से देखा
बोला ये क्या कर बैठे घोटाला
हाय ये क्या कर बैठे घोटाला
ये तो है थानेदार का साला
दिल का हाल…

ग़म से अभी आज़ाद नहीं मैं
ख़ुश हूँ मगर आबाद नहीं मैं
मंज़िल मेरे पास खड़ी है
पाँव में लेकिन बेड़ी पड़ी है
टांग अड़ाता है दौलतवाला
दिल का हाल…

सुन लो मगर ये किसी से न कहना
तिनके का ले के सहारा न बहना
बिन मौसम मल्हार न गाना
आधी रात को मत चिल्लाना लाना
वरना पकड़ लेगा पुलिसवाला
दिल का हाल…

I hope you liked my choice of Song #15 in Raat or Din series.

Please await Song #16 – Muskrao ke jee nahin lagta.


Author: Sunbyanyname

I have done a long stint in the Indian Navy that lasted for nearly thirty seven years; I rose as far as my somewhat rebellious and irreverent nature allowed me to. On retirement, in Feb 2010, the first thing that occurred to me, and those around me, was that I Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (you will find an article with this title in this blog) and hadn't lost all my noodles and hence thought of a blog titled 'This 'n That'. I later realised that every third blog is called 'This 'n That' and changed the name to 'Sunbyanyname'. I detest treading the beaten track. This blog offers me to air 'another way' of looking at things. The idea is not just to entertain but also to bring about a change. Should you feel differently, you are free to leave your comments. You can leave comments even when you agree and want to share your own experience about the topic of the blog post. Impudent or otherwise, I have never been insousciant and I am always concerned about the betterment of community, nation and the world. I hope the visitors of this blog would be able to discern it.


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