This one is in lighter vein*….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #216‘.
Good Morning Friends,
Do you remember the days before the Internet,
Only from a close circle of people advice you’d get?
Your privacy, by others, was always respected,
Your habits, wants and beliefs were never dissected.
Nowadays everyone offers you unsolicited advice,
Where to go, what to eat and buy, at what price?
Any time you feel you are unobserved and alone,
Some suggestions or messages pop up from unknown.
As it is Whats App has made most people puppets,
Now they give you advice with blowing of trumpets,
Buy this, buy that, see this, see that, do this, do that,
You don’t do, you’re doomed; you do and you’re copy cat.
The result:
Individuality vanishes, people behave like clones,
People are controlled by their own smartphones.
Studying and analysing things have become rare,
Instant advice like fast food is here and everywhere.
Any suggestions or advice as to how to get over this crisis?
*Can’t be serious all the while!