Fourth day of saying thanks….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #185‘.
Good morning Friends,
Fourth day of saying thanks, before we end this year,
Today it is to the fans of Sunbyanyname who’re so dear;
You encourage me by reading, with likes and comments,
Your support enables this blog to flourish and domineer.
Sunbyanyname shall always strive to bring you the best,
Sunbyanyname, as you notice, is always ahead of the rest.
The blog has everything that you would have ever wanted,
Humour, Poems, Music, Stories, you can take for granted;
Navy, Travel, Philosophy, Leadership and Opinions are there,
When the going gets tough, I press on totally undaunted.
Sunbyanyname shall always strive to bring you the best,
Sunbyanyname, as you notice, is always ahead of the rest.

There is no point in writing unless someone would read,
Your constant encouragement makes me do better indeed;
Please forgive me if sometimes inadvertently or otherwise,
To your suggestions and comments, I haven’t paid heed.
Sunbyanyname shall always strive to bring you the best,
Sunbyanyname, as you notice, is always ahead of the rest.
I hope to have you as my blog fan the next year too,
We have a good thing going between me and you;
Lets welcome together 2019 that will be ours soon,
Simultaneously, let us bid 2018 a heartfelt adieu.
Sunbyanyname shall always strive to bring you the best,
Sunbyanyname, as you notice, is always ahead of the rest.