Negative emotions don’t harm others as much….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #177‘.
Good morning Friends
We intend negative emotions to harm other men,
Anger, Jealousy, Envy, Hatred, and Cruelty,
But it has been proved time and again,
That these cause us more harm and anxiety.
You don’t punish people that you hate,
You actually invite for yourself ill fate.
Historically, no one has ever prospered,
By harbouring these kind of negative emotions,
People who have by the sword conquered,
Have also been victims of similar notions.
You don’t punish people that you hate,
You actually invite for yourself ill fate.
There is only one way to avoid their ill effect,
It is to replace these with forgiveness and love;
Rather than having your own life wrecked,
Try not being a weak hawk but a powerful dove.
You don’t punish people that you hate,
You actually invite for yourself ill fate.
If you love yourself you would never hate,
You’d never be angry, envious and jealous,
Your perceived hurt would not ever translate,
Into for seeking self-defeating revenge zealous.
You don’t punish people that you hate,
You actually invite for yourself ill fate.
….as they make your own life miserable.