Even though all virtues are relative….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #173‘.
Good morning Friends
Even though all virtues on earth are relative,
And there is no virtue that is really absolute,
We don’t need to consider this in the negative,
But think of our own stance in their pursuit.
Others will always be less or more happy than us,
But our being dependent on them is superfluous.
If at all we should stoop to compare,
It’d do us good to think of those who have less;
We should consider God gave us our rightful share,
What they have less, we might have in excess.
Being sad because they appear to have more,
Is to deliberately, our own blessings, ignore.
You can have, your virtue, of others, independent,
And let it not be dependent upon their reaction;
For example, your gentlemanliness can be dependent,
If you think of it always as a business transaction.
You can be gentlemanly to everyone around,
Irrespective of whether some return is to be found.
It is the same with Love, Courage, Honesty and Truth,
You can have these for everyone and in each situation,
Or else, you can try ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’,
And spend all your time in such silly calculation.
Be content with what you yourself possess,
Don’t ever think whether it is more or less.
….you can have yours independent of others.