Strange are the ways of the Mind…
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #143‘.
Good morning Friends,
Strange are the ways of the mind,
It remains, to the future, blind,
But thinks too much of the past.
It chooses to be, in a cage, confined,
And appears to be looking behind,
Not for the next, but for the last.
Instead of being a man’s faithful slave,
It does in a strange manner behave,
And assumes the role of a man’s boss.
When the situation is sometimes grave,
It seems to be getting, well, a brainwave,
To compare it with one it has come across.
Therefore, the Mind needs to be trained,
And just like a galloping horse reined,
To keep it under check and control.
There is nothing at all to be gained,
If the Mind remains totally unrestrained,
Rather than moving towards your set goal.
To make it learn, start with a small game,
And set for it an achievable mark or aim,
And see to it that it meets with success.
Don’t listen to an excuse that is lame,
And gradually see it becoming tame,
And observe, like a student, its progress.
Slowly, but surely, a day would dawn,
When your mind becomes your pawn,
And works for you as you wish and faster.
Not looking at the things that are bygone,
It becomes ready to actually move on.
Taking your command as its Master.
…..but, it can be trained to be your slave.