Be aware of the limits of knowledge.
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #138‘.
Good morning Friends,
It is always good to have lots of knowledge,
You may require it even to exist and survive;
But no one teaches you in school or college:
That with knowledge you can’t get into overdrive.
Also, knowledge is not just for acquiring,
It has to be put to practice or good use;
It surely is what can be called uninspiring,
If you think of your knowledge as an excuse.
People who value knowledge know its limits,
They don’t pretend to always know everything;
They know it is not really a cause for low spirits,
If they are sometimes ignorant about some thing.
Having knowledge should give one humility,
And not arrogant enough to win each clash;
A wise man always understands the futility,
Of using his knowledge that makes him brash.
Finding reasons for everything around us,
Is also great fallacy of modern education;
One doesn’t have to start making a fuss,
If one sees an exception or an aberration.
We should know beyond an iota of doubt,
That we shall never know everything;
Hence, it doesn’t make sense to go about,
Pretending we actually know all of anything.
And be humble when interacting with others.
Think it possible that you may be wrong or mistaken.