Zindagi or Jeevan Songs Series
I started this series on my Facebook group Yaad Kiya Dil Ne on 18 Oct 20. Since then, many other members have put up these songs. Here, I shall be giving you one of my own, per day.
I hope you liked my choice for Song #33 – Main to aarti utaarun re in Zindagi or Jeevan Songs series. Let’s start with Song #34.
Song #34
Bas yeh chup si lagi hai
Theme-word: Koi anokhi nahin aisi zindagi lekin khoob na ho, Mili jo khoob mili hai
Hemant Kumar and Tranquillity
Having been an ardent follower of Rabinder Sangeet, there is never a jarring note in his singing or compositions. Both descend on you like gentle snow. Both touch you like whispers of breeze. There is never Band Baaja Baraat; but…
पेड़ों की शाखों पे सोई सोई चाँदनी
तेरे खयालों में खोई खोई चाँदनी
Or even…
चुप है धरती, चुप हैं चाँद सितारे
मेरे दिल की धड़कन तुझको पुकारे
Or this one that touches the chords of your heart:
लहरों पे लहर, उल्फ़त है जवां
रातों की सहर, चली आओ यहाँ
सितारे टिमटिमाते हैं, तू आजा आजा
मचलती जा रही है ये हवाएं आजा आजा
I think you get my point. Love and Finding Yourself are both about Silence. The reason is not difficult to find. It is because both involve Listening as compared to Talking, Shouting, Screaming. That’s Hemant Kumar for you.
There Lyricists who understood this intense desire for Tranquillity in Hemant Kumar songs. Lets take some of them:
ऊँचे गगन से कोई बुलाये
लायीं हैं परियां डोला सजाये
सजन से मिलने दूर चली जा
उड़के तू निंदिया फुरर् चली जा
उड़के तू निंदिया फुरर् चली जा
चन्दा पुकारे आजा चकोरी
झूला झूलाऊँ निंदिया को तोरी
Kaifi Azmi
रात हसीं ये चाँद हसीं
पर सबसे हसीं मेरे दिलबर
और तुझसे हसीं, और तुझसे हसीं तेरा प्यार
तू जाने ना
He is the lyricist of the present song. Here is another one from him:
होंठ पे लिये हुए दिल की बात हम
जागते रहेंगे और कितनी रात हम
मुक़्तसर सी बात है तुम से प्यार है
तुम्हारा इन्तज़ार है, तुम पुकार लो
You can’t think of Hemant Kumar without touching tranquillity; especially on his own compositions.
It was said, “If God would sing to us, He would sing in the voice of Hemant Kumar.” And to think that we beat drums and blare bhajans through loudspeakers and yet, even our scriptures tell us, God is to be found in Silence.
Sannata – 1966 Movie

It was a Mohinder Sabbarwal movie starring Anil Chatterjee and Tanuja. In this song they are in a boat in Hoogly, somewhat similar to Rajesh Khanna and Waheeda Rehman in Hemant Kumar’s own production Khamoshi: Woh shaam kuchh ajeeb thi.
The names of the movies are also indicative of what Hemant Kumar’s songs evoke.
I could have very well given this song as a Raat Song but preferred it as Zindagi song.
This one has Hemant Kumar singing on his own composition of Gulzar’s lyrics:
बस एक चुप सी लगी है नहीं उदास नहीं
कहीं पे साँस रुकी है नहीं उदास नहीं
बस एक चुप सी लगी है
कोई अनोखी नहीं ऐसी ज़िंदगी लेकिन
खूब न हो
मिलि जो –
खूब मिली है.
नहीं उदास नहीं
बस एक चुप सी लगी है …
सहर भी ये रात भी दोपहर भी मिली लेकिन
हमीं ने शाम चुनी
हमीं ने –
शाम चुनी है
नहीं उदास नहीं
बस एक चुप सी लगी है …
वो दासताँ जो हमने कही भी
हमने लिखी
आज वो –
खुद से सुनी है
नहीं उदास नहीं
बस एक चुप सी लगी है
My Own Poetry
I am an ardent fan of Silence. There are any number of essays from me on the Religious Noise in India and how far it takes us from God.
Here is one on the kind of Silence that we must seek:
So, you’ve finally managed silence around you,
But your inner self is full of noise.
The peace that you’ve found is untrue,
Since you still haven’t regained your poise.
If you’re looking for complete tranquility,
The noise in your mind is a liability.
The chatter of your thoughts can be very loud,
Really high on the decibel scale.
Your inside feels like being in a crowd,
Whilst outside total calm may prevail.
The noise inside is more difficult to tame,
And you have no one else to blame.
Slow breathing and meditation are the two ways,
To make your mind become silent.
Initially, you may encounter a haze,
And your thoughts continue being violent.
But gradually when you train your mind,
Your inner peace you can easily find.
Try making your mind silent once in a day,
And see how the real benefits accrue.
Slowly your commands your mind learns to obey,
And you find a new friend within you.
Silence is golden you already know,
Now your inner noise too you can let go.
The Song
Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy: Bas ek chup si lagi hai…
I hope you enjoyed my choice for Song #34 in the series.
Please await Song #35 – Aaj sajan mohe ang laga lo.