Have you ever wondered why this life was given to you?
Good morning friends,
Have you ever paused to guess,
Why God gave this life to you?
It is, of course, His way to bless,
To be born as humans, the very few.
Can life be just to eat and sleep,
Or for oneself to happiness seek?
Or, as Kabir said, to be sold cheap
Even though it is rare and unique?
The entire life is, but, an alluring maze,
It keeps us from realising our true worth;
Some simply go through it in a daze,
Others seek only comforts on Earth.
Scriptures give us the simile of the sea*,
That we have to cross to reach our goal.
When from our Ego** we become free,
And over the Five thieves*** we have control.
That’s the state when we merge with God,
And escape the cycle of Life and Death.
Everything else on Earth is simply fraud,
To keep us going from one to other breath.
Hence, let’s try to find who we really are,
God already gifted us this precious Life,
With Ego and Five thieves we can’t go far,
These can only add to unwanted strife.
*boat = bohith as given in Sri Guru Granth Sahib; to cross this sea you require the bohith of God’ name.
**Ego = haume’ as given in SGGS
***Five thieves: Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahankar; that is: Lust, Rage, Greed, Attachment, and Conceit as given in SGGS
….it can’t simply be a journey from Life to Death.
Very Purposeful Post Ravi PaaJi.
हाउमे दीरघ रोग है,
दारू भी इसु माहि।
कृपा करें जो अपनी,
तो #गुरु_का_शब्द_कमाहीं ।।
If we get material wealth, we feel we are blessed and
do convey so to everybody
where as that’s journey in #the_opposite_direction.
जितनी संपत, उतना दुख भारी
नित ही दुख में फिरे परिवारी।
कोड़ी कोड़ी जोड़े धन वादी,
माया ( loads of money) के बारे में गुरु साहिब निर्णय दे रहे हैं
पापां बाज ना होवे कट्ठी,
मोयां नाल ना जावे।।
कबीर साहेब ने समझाया
कहता हूं कहे जाता हूं, कहूं बजाय ढोल
श्वासा खाली जात है तीन लोक जा मोल,
ऐसे महंगे मोल का, एक श्वास जो जाए,
तीनो लोक ना पट सकें, काहे भूल मिलाए।।
गुरु साहिब समझा रहे हैं
भाई प्राप्त मानुष देह हुरिया, गोविंद मिलन की एहो तेरी बरिया।
अवर काज तेरे किते ना काम, मिल साध संगत #भज_केवल_नाम* ।।
संतों और गुरुओं की वाणी को हम बड़ा आदर व सम्मान करते हैं
लेकिन उनमें कही हुई बातों को, विचारों को, आज्ञाओं को नहीं मानते
और यह ही सबसे बड़ी भूल है इसलिए आवागमन के चक्कर से मुक्ति नहीं मिलती जिसके लिए मनुष्य जीवन, जो सब योनियों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ है और हमें मिला हुआ है
और दोबारा कब मिलेगा इसकी कोई गारंटी नहीं है क्योंकि 84लाख योनियों का चक्कर है, बड़ी लंबी और तकलीफ दायक यात्रा बन सकती है
अपने लक्ष्य (समुद्र) की ओर निरंतर, जैसे नदी का जल बहता है,
हमें भी वास्तविक लक्ष्य (परमपिता परमात्मा ) की ओर निरंतर प्रयास करते रहना आवश्यक है
आवागमन के चक्कर से सो नर पावे छूट,
‘मंगत’ मिल सत्संग में, जो नाम अमीरस लूट।।
यहां #सत्संग बाहर का नहीं #भीतर_का है क्योंकि सत् केवल एक परमात्मा है और गुरु शब्द के द्वारा परमात्मा की बा-तरीका याद – हर सांस के प्राण अपान मे उस का जाप करना, यही वास्तविक सत+संग है
बाहर के सत्संग में इस अंदर के सत+संग को करने मे आने वाली रुकावटों से बचना सीखना है
और वास्तविक सत्संग बाहर का भी वही यथार्थ है, जो केवल आत्मदर्शन की ओर ले जाए
जीवन में ही खोज लो, अपना निर्मल धाम I
वाद विवाद त्याग कर सत्संग में लो विश्राम II
दुस्तर मायाजाल है, बड़े गुणी गए हार I
जिन जन्म सोए कर खोया, तिन का क्या शुमारII
सुत दारा धन लक्ष्मी और बड़ा इक़बाल I
अंत काल ना संग कोए नैनों देख अहवाल II
ये समय की मौज है उठ के नाम चितार I
श्वास श्वास चला जात है जां का मोल अपार II
Gurus have blessed us with the Spiritual Literature of The Supreme
with floodlit guidance to reach the destination.
We may be truly blessed only by reading, understanding, imbibing and acting upon the advise, to reach the real #Destination and achieve freedom from the cycle of life and death.
In addition to the beautiful comments offered by Mr Rakesh Bhatia I also wish to add
👏👏🙏🏻🙏🏻Ravi sahib- Wow, superb composition.
I have perused Good morning message -258 penned by you very thoughtfully , carefully and accurately in poetry form in compliance with the teachings of saints and Guru Sahibans recorded in GGS for understanding the reality and purpose of our life and evolving our souls so that we can realise and final merge with supreme one – creator of all the universes and their inhabitants in all form and shapes.
To the best of my understanding you have beautifully brought out the purpose of life and problems/traps of alluring maze faced by us. Without breaking, conquering and overcoming those hurdles and traps of obstructing /misleading enchantments and distractions in the form of five Thieves, there is no way we can merge with him to fulfill the object of our life. Undoubtedly with this you have successfully and clearly identified the purpose of our existence.
Next step is how to control the Five Thieves to merge with God and get salvation in order to come out of the cycle of birth and death. Here we have to take the guidance from the teachings of all the past established /recognised Saints, Masters, Guru Sahibans and GGS and other religious scriptures for overcoming these five formidable enemies so that we can see Him within us whilst living through the process /experience of death without cutting umbiblical cord. To which Saint Paul says: I die daily.
Kabir Sahib says:
1. kabira jis Marne te jag Darre, mere man Anand. Marne hi te paayia puran Parmamnand.
2. Marta 2 jag mua, maran na Jane koye,
Kabir aisy karani tu Kare bahur na marana huee.
Guru Nanak sahib says: Nanak aisa jog kamayyee, jit ji Mar rahaiye.
Now we have to go a step further to find the ways and means to reach him and see him face to face and final merge with him.
ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਮਿਲੇ ਉਲਟੀ ਭਈ ਨਵ ਨਿਧ ਖਰਚਿਓ ਖਾਓ। ਅਠਾਰਹ ਸਿੱਧੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਲੱਗੀਆ ਫਿਰਨ ਨਿਜ ਘਰ ਵਸੇ ਨਿਜ ਥਾਈ।
By meeting Satguru our spirit energy is turned upwards,
And at our disposal lie the nine treasures,
The eighteen supernatural powers (siddhis) follow us,
And in our true transcendent home do we find abode.
There are innumerable treasures lying within ourselves which can only be experienced when we find access to subtle planes when we are morally good. How morally good, beyond good and evil we are, I think nobody can know better and more accurately than God and very own self. We have to go beyond the sphere of of relativity and duality, morality and ethics. Until and unless there is complete purity of thoughts and deeds within ourselves, the emergence in God remains distant talk.
We have to consider on these aspects of more in details gradually bit by bit. This is the prime purpose of our life to awaken our mind and separate the soul from the clutches of mind who runs for every colourful and beautiful attractions of this world.
Ravi sahib congratulations for composing excellent and thought provoking poetry. Aim is to create an interest in Godliness. Whatever you have said is perfect. However it needs to be outstretched and expanded further.