Experiment with powers of the Mind….
Good morning friends,
Mind is one of the greatest gifts from God,
It really has powers beyond imagination.
One has to bow one’s head and applaud,
With a leap it can cover God’s total Creation.
We are connected to God through our mind,
Our Maker through its powers we can find.
But for that it needs to be properly trained,
Or at least kept under complete control.
Experiment how long it can be maintained,
Without wandering from its singular goal.
Try to have a clear and focused mind,
And see if all the while it stays aligned.
Remind it that it is a slave and you are master,
See to it that it follows your every command;
Make it slow down when it goes much faster,
Than concentrating on the given task at hand.
Don’t give in to its desire to wander,
Don’t let it its own powers squander.
The one who has really learnt to control it,
Has the most powerful tool given to Man;
His path even through darkness is totally lit,
What other can’t accomplish he easily can.
Enjoy going places with your mind,
And see, under your control, what it can find.
….and enjoy your journey.
Guru Nanak Dev Sahib
guides for the ultimate state of stillness
पंचम शुन्न में जो नर जाए
तां को पाप ना पुन्न !!
Aligning with Shabd Swaroop Parameshwar (Supreme as Aum, Onkar), 24×7
#नाम_खुमारी नानका चढ़ी रहे दिन रात ।।
But Guru Nanak Dev Sahib has also guided
जन नानक कोटन में कोई विरला
भजन राम को पावै।।
Our body consists of 5 sensory organs called ज्ञान इंद्रियां and 5 execution organs called कर्म इंद्रियों
These are visible but controlled through
मन, बुद्धि, चित्त और अहंकार – The Invisible parts of human body
We all know the story of Arjuna who during a test by Guru Dronacharya for all his disciples, put a Sparrow on the tree and checked before target the eye of sparrow was to be hit, as to what each one is able to see…
Duryodhana saw the tree the branch, the Sparrow, the eye of a sparrow and the feet of Guru Dronacharya, while pulling the string of the bow,
and even before the arrow was shot off the bow, Guru knew that it will not hit the target…
It was only Arjuna who said that he is only able to see the eye of a sparrow and the Guru knew even before the arrow was shot that it’s going to hit the target.
We also know the life of Buddha who saw 1 sick 1 old and 1 dead…
And sought way out of these sufferings
Without going into details of ज्ञान इंद्रियों and कर्म इंद्रियों… how the desires propel actions which are diametrically opposite to what a focused and controlled mind would do,
महात्मा मंगत राम ने बताया
मन ज्ञान और कर्म इंद्रियों के भोगों की चेष्ठा को मनन करने वाली शक्ति है।
मन ही जीव का परम मित्र है और मन ही घोर शत्रु । मन ही सब बंधनों और मोक्ष का कारण हैI मन जिस का सिमरन करता है उसी का रूप हो जाता है
माया सिमरे माया में भरमाई
सिमरे राम तब राम समाई।।
संत शिरोमणि कबीर साहेब ने भी यही बात कही
कबीरा मन से एक है भावें जहां लगाएं,
भावें गुरु की भक्ति कर, भावे विषय कमाएं।।
मन अपने नु मुंज कर, नीवां करके कुट्ट,
भरे खजाने साहिब दे, जिन्ने चाहे लुट्ट।।
और महात्मा मंगत राम ने साथ ही चेतावनी भी दी है
मानुष तन को पाए के, परस लियों सत् ठोर।
‘मंगत’ समय बिताए के, फिरे चौरासी घोर।।
(84 लाख योनियों की लंबी यात्रा बन जाएगी)
यह शरीर अपूर्ण है, यह संसार अपूर्ण है। इस अपूर्ण शरीर और अपूर्ण संसार में पूर्णताई की तलाश करना महज मूर्खता है।
यह बात तो तू आज समझ ले, 10 साल बाद समझ ले या चार जन्म बाद समझ लेना, आखिर यह ही समझना पड़ेगा । क्यों अपने सफर को लंबा करता है ?
उठ , जाग और अपने कल्याण के मार्ग पर बढ़ चल।।
The first challenge is to understand and realise that we are in this mortal land for a limited time and a specific purpose
The second is to seek the right Spiritual Master who is a Realised Soul (not just the one who knows the way)
And the third to commit oneself completely to the guidance of The Spiritual Master
Commit to Every thought and every action which takes one nearer to the Goal
Refrain from each and every thought and action which would push one away from the Goal.
सांचा गुरु और सांचा शिष्य जग को जीवन देत।
‘मंगत’ तिस के चरण की, धूड़ी शीश रमीत।।