Fifth day of saying thanks….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #186‘.
Good morning Friends,
We started this year by thanking God,
Let’s end it now by thanking Him again;
His Creation is something we can applaud,
Everywhere we look, it is His domain.
Days, months and years will end,
But, God will always be our friend.
He cannot be confined in Time and Space,
He was yesterday, is today, will be forever;
Everything we obtain is by God’s grace,
A world and time without Him would be never.
Days, months and years will end,
But, God will always be our friend.

It is always hard to let go of the Old,
But, it is refreshing to welcome the New;
As 2019 arrives at the world’s threshold,
To 2018 we sadly and nostalgically bid adieu.
Days, months and years will end,
But, God will always be our friend.
We thank you O’ God for your countless gifts,
That fill us with renewed will and determination;
As the old year, in the end, to the new year shifts,
To do better, from you we draw the inspiration.
Days, months and years will end,
But, God will always be our friend.
….but why just today, we should thank Him everyday.