From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #181‘.
Good morning Friends,
In the end,
My dear friend,
There are only memories;
New becomes old,
Hot becomes cold,
And there are only memories.
Spring changes into fall,
It is the time’s call,
That everything becomes memories.
No one remains young,
Most even remain unsung,
And there are only memories.
Those that are so dear,
We find them nowhere near,
They too become only memories.
Change is the only constant,
It never lies dormant,
It leads to just memories.

When everything is fleeting,
Time’s drums are beating,
Memories are enough to live by.
The present is just a moment,
It leaves without a comment,
So, memories are enough to live by.
The world is just an illusion,
For some even a delusion,
Hence, memories are enough to live by.
So, lets make them joyous,
So that later they don’t annoy us,
Since memories are enough to live by.
Memories made of love,
Are blessed by heavens above,
These are enough to live by.
As this year nears the end,
I ask you to be my friend,
And make memories we can live by.
…..are what is life.