Want to be the maker of a new world?
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #178‘.
Good morning Friends,
If someone were to ask you,
To make a new world tomorrow,
Will you choose a totally happy world,
Such that there is no sorrow?
Will you make everyone rich,
So that there is nowhere a poor?
Will you want everyone to be a dreamer,
Or choose everyone to be a doer?
Are you going to make everything beautiful,
Such that ugliness is never to be found?
Will there be no pauper in the world,
And everyone will be crowned?
No man would ever shed tears,
Everyone would have on face a smile;
No anger, no cruelty, no jealousy,
Will that be your new world’s style?
To have peace all around,
To have nowhere any signs of war;
To find love everywhere you look,
Even if you look really very far.
Lo, the world that you want to make,
Doesn’t have to made new;
All the ingredients that we need for it,
Can be found in this world too.
Only we need a true intent,
To make our wishes come true;
Our world is totally in our hands,
It is really up to me and you.
Value the world you are born into,
And start spreading love and peace,
And very soon you’re bound to realise,
What God made is already a masterpiece.
Each one of us is thus responsible,
To make this world a happy place;
All that we are required to do,
Is to stop the current rat – race.
…sure; there is nothing wrong with this one too.