The key to good health is the Mind….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #160‘.
Good morning Friends,
You may feel it is in supplements,
Or in keeping a strict exercise regime;
You may also rely on medicines and ointments,
Or standing for hours in a Sunbeam.
But, one thing all of us ultimately find,
The secret to good health is in the mind.
Yes you can eat the right food,
And avoid all such curses as smoking,
But, it is your mind that decides your mood,
And that’s always health provoking.
And hence one thing all of us ultimately find,
The secret to good health is in the mind.
So, those with positive health always possess,
A mind that generates positive thought;
Mental well being is key to physical fitness,
Else everything can be reduced to naught.
No wonder one thing all of us ultimately find,
The secret to good health is in the mind.
Take care of it and keep it under control,
It can be your worst enemy or best friend,
If good all round health is your real goal,
Then a good healthy mind I strongly recommend.
Train it and you will always find,
There is nobody more faithful than your mind.
A Mind with positivity generates positive health….