We must never hate the wrong-doer….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #159‘.
Good morning Friends,
All virtues on earth are relative,
There is none that is absolute;
We need not, thus, be negative,
About someone’s evil attribute.
One man’s meat is another’s poison,
We can’t see the complete horizon.
We never have all the facts with us,
To declare one’s good would be for all;
It would be simply one sided and thus,
A claim that would be rather too tall.
One man’s meat is another’s poison,
We can’t see the complete horizon.
A good that we can simply swear by,
May be evil when looked in another way;
So when someone’s wrong we decry,
Do we know what it was meant to convey?
One man’s meat is another’s poison,
We can’t see the complete horizon.
“Forgive them, Father”, said Christ on Cross,
“For they know not what they do.”
It was not just Romans but all of us, because,
As humans, we never have the total clue.
One man’s meat is another’s poison,
We can’t see the complete horizon.
So next time you look down on someone,
Who has, you feel, done an obvious wrong;
Try to remember if you actually know anyone,
Who has been good and right all along.
One man’s meat is another’s poison,
We can’t see the complete horizon.
….unless we are ready to hate the entire humanity.