Seeing the world from another person’s perspective….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #157‘.
Good morning Friends,
Because it is required for our survival,
We think of self-interest all the while;
We don’t appreciate God’s gift that is vital,
We often miss another man’s view by a mile.
God gave us the power to be introspective,
To see the world through another perspective.
There are many on whom this gift is wasted,
But there are some who put it to good use;
Success and goodwill the former have tasted,
The latter? Well, they’ve cooked their own goose.
To understand another person’s point of view,
Often gives an unthought of breakthrough.
If you’ve always based things on your viewpoint,
And to the others’ perspective you’ve been blind,
Your efforts have been one sided and never joint,
You didn’t see things from another frame of mind.
In your effort to be seen as right and perfect,
Your chances of becoming great you wrecked.
Great leaders always carry their team along,
They rarely steamroll in a bid to be in command;
They make each member of the team to belong,
To the success of the task that is taken in hand.
Men don’t follow orders that are at them thrown,
They do better when thinking of these as their own.
….is a gift given only to Mankind.