Sharing follows some strange arithmetical rules .
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #80‘.
Good morning Friends,
I have written enough about sharing,
Now you know how to become wealthy;
It displays your attitude, that is, caring,
It is a hobby both enriching and healthy.
Today lets talk about maths of sharing,
It doesn’t follow arithmetic equations;
These two you just can’t be comparing,
There are many surprising abrasions.
For example, if you share joys they multiply,
And if you share sorrows they decrease;
If you share time it simply tends to fly,
If you share greed it tends to increase.
If you share light it lessens not in brightness,
If you share darkness it makes you blind;
A gentleman doesn’t lose his politeness,
Simply because others are of a closed mind.
The sharing equation depends on you,
You can make it the way you desire;
Your intention of sharing is the right clue,
Oil can light but also set things on fire.
My wish for you today is simply this,
That you’d make your own sharing rules;
That you’d realise something is amiss,
If your sharing is only attracting the fools.
May the joys of sharing fill your bag today.