Beautiful Duet Series
I started this series on my Facebook group Yaad Kiya Dil Ne on 23 Aug 20. Since then, many other members have put up these songs. Here, I shall be giving you one of my own, per day.
On 24 Sep 20, I gave you Beautiful Duet #1 – Tum Bhi Chalo, Hum Bhi Chalen.
Song #2
Meri neendo mein tum, Mere khwabon mein tum
Shamshad Begum With Kishore Kumar

On the Baisakhi day, 13 April 1919, a nation that wants the world to believe it is among the most civilized nations in the world, England that is, set up the world record in barbarism by killing innocent men, women and children by a terrorist called Reginald Dyer in Jalianwala Bagh in Amritsar. All such nations have double standards and this terrorist wasn’t treated like how they want terrorists to be treated but honoured on return to UK with a large purse for his act: “the Saviour of the Punjab with the sword of honour and a purse”!
Shamshad Begum was born the very next day and unlike the “Butcher of Amritsar” (who killed more than a thousand innocents without being offered any defence and escape) she won the hearts of people and continued doing so until her death on 23 Apr 2013 in Mumbai.
Kishore Kumar? He was ten years younger to her and he died 26 years before she did, on 13 Oct 1987, also in Mumbai.
Female singers were charmed in singing with Kishore Kumar since he made them feel totally at home. In recording serious or comical songs, he always looked at the humorous side of things. It is reputed that his female counterparts in duets found it difficult not to laugh whilst singing!
He was simply the most adorable singer that Hindi films ever saw.
Reel Life Versus Real Life

I have taken this beautiful duet picturised on Kishore Kumar and Meena Kumari from the 1956 K Amarnath movie Naya Andaz. The song was penned by Jan Nisar Akhtar and composed as a waltzing number by OP Nayyar. Here is how reel life tried to imitate real life:
“Chand(Kishore Kumar) an aspiring lyricist as well as a singer goes to a dance shows and sees Mala ( Meena Kumari ) doing a dance show. He is overwhelmed with Meena Kumari’s performance as a dancer (think of that!) and decides that if she can get Mala to dance to his songs, it will be a winning combination. However the owner of the company that Mala dances for is skeptical to the proposition. However before anything happens Chand’s father vehemently opposes the idea and Chand being totally disappointed and frustrated leaves house and moves over to Bombay to try his musical talent. He takes his friend Karim ( Johnny Walker) and his girl friend Raina ( Kum Kum ) with him and puts up with his garage owner friend in the city. They start doing shows and comes to attention of Mala who eventually asks her owner Ashok Babu ( Pran ) to hire Chand to sing songs with Mala dancing together. However watch the rest of the movie to see how after many ups and downs Mala and Chand eventually gets together and the movie has a happy ending.”
कि: (मेरी नींदों में तुम, मेरे ख़्वाबों में तुम हो चुके हम तुम्हारी मोहब्बत में गुम ) - २ श: (मन की बीना की धुन, तू बालम आज सुन मेरी नज़रोंने तुझको लिया आज चुन ) - २ मन की बीना की धुन, तू बलम आज सुन श: (मेरी दिल की लगी तू, मेरी ज़िंदगी तू मेरी हर नज़र है तेरी दास्तां ) - २ कि: (मेरे दिल की बहारें तुम्हीको पुकारें तुम्हीसे है आबाद मेरा जहाँ ) - २ श: तू मेरा नाज़ है, मेरा अंदाज़ है, दिल की आवाज़ है कि: मेरी नींदों में तुम, मेरे ख्वाबों में तुम हो चुके हम तुम्हारी मोहब्बत में गुम श: मन की बीना की धुन, तू बलम आज सुन मेरी नज़रोंने तुझको लिया आज चुन मन की बीना की धुन, तू बालम आज सुन
My Own Poetry
Hamare Dil Ka Geet
रातों के ख्वाब दिन में भी लगे आने,
तेरे प्यार में सनम हम हो गए दीवाने।
सांस रुकने लगी,
आंख झुकने लगी,
तन्हाई के पल भी अब बन गए सुहाने।
मुहब्बत की यह धुन,
इसे दिल से सुन।
सेहरा में भी आ गयी बहार,
खिल उठा है मेरा घर संसार।
ठंडी ठंडी हवाएं,
भीगी भीगी फिजायें,
तेरा ही कर रही थी इंतज़ार।
मुहब्बत की यह धुन,
इसे दिल से सुन।
ज़िन्दगी भर रहेगा अपना साथ,
हमेशा रहेगा मेरे हाथों में तेरा हाथ।
बस यूँ ही यूँ है,
हर तरफ तूँ ही तूँ है,
जन्मों जन्मों की हमारी मुलाकात।
मुहब्बत की यह धुन,
इसे दिल से सुन।
Please enjoy: Meri neendo mein tum, mere khwabon mein tum and try not to sleep with the tune that sends you dreaming!
I hope you liked my choice of the second beautiful duet.
Please await Beautiful Duet #3 – Milte Hi Aankhen Dil Hua Deewana.