Does a Wrong concern you?
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #196‘.
Good morning friends,
When you see a wrong, does it concern you?
Do you feel that something you have to do?
Or do you ask how can I be the only one,
Thinking that something needs to be done?
Do you often look yourself in the eye,
And to set it right do actually give it a try?
The difference between Why Me and Why Not Me,
Defines the person you would like to be.
Would you like to be one in a crowd,
Or would you want to stand tall and proud?
Do you imitate that universal substance,
That takes the path of least resistance?
There are occasions when you must stand alone,
And show people how you’d like to be known.
The Sikhs, for example, recognised a brave doer,
As the one who fought for the sake of the poor.
Do you want to live like that brave?
Or are you smug about being a slave?
“O Shiva, give me this boon*
May I never ever shirk from doing good deeds
That I shall not fear when I go into combat.
And with determination I will be victorious.
That I may teach myself this greed alone,
To speak only of thy praises (O Lord).
And when the last day of my life come,
I may die fighting (righteously) in the battlefield.”
It concerns us all.
*Deh Shiva Bar Mohe Eha (ਦੇਹ ਸ਼ਿਵਾ ਬਰ ਮੋਹੇ ਈਹੇ) is a popular hymn by Guru Gobind Singh, taken from Chandi Charitar Ukati Bilas composition of Dasam Granth.