Say when….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was:’Good Morning Message #175‘.
Good morning Friends
We often hear people utter ‘Say when’,
When offering someone drink or food;
The receiver satiated says “enough” and then,
The offer is allowed to gracefully conclude.
But for life’s other things we remain gruff,
Even if we have had more than enough?
Is it true that when God is serving,
We often succumb to the dictates of greed?
Or do we really feel no one is observing,
When we expect far more than our need?
When would we learn to stay “stop”,
When God is filling our glass to the top?
When you say “enough” you become rich,
Not just materially but also in your soul;
You learn not to display the eternal itch,
Of always to be seen with a begging bowl.
You then have adequate to also give,
And God knows you have learnt to live.
Say when before your glass is full to the brim,
Say when before it actually over flows;
Remember you don’t have it to bathe and swim,
You don’t have to be covered from head to toes.
Think of those who actually have much less,
But the gift of ‘enough’ who proudly possess.
…’ve had enough.