If Apples have health benefits….
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #129‘.
Good morning Friends,
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away,
I can assure everyone so does a poem a day.
You can think about it today, being a Sunday,
When yet another poem by me comes your way.
That Songs and Raagas have curative powers,
Is already known to us all without any doubt;
It is like we have the aroma of many flowers,
That is actually healthier than eating sprouts.
Poems are like Songs with a certain cadence,
Recite them melodiously with all your heart;
You can feel around you the healthy fragrance,
That gives your day a most positive start.

If you trust me, look at Indian religious text,
That has been penned in verses with a flow;
So my suggestion to you is really in this context,
Don’t out of the window my GM Messages throw.
How much health benefits you gain by these,
Is actually placed by God in your own hand;
Just go with the tempo at your comfort and ease;
And start the day with health at your command.
When I say health, I mean physical and mental,
Even emotional health by these is guaranteed;
These messages have rhythm is not coincidental,
When I started these, I thought of this very need.
…. so do Poems!
Read one poem a day
Keep several doctors away