Limits are basically a mental thing.
From the first of June, 2018, I started writing Good Morning messages in the form of poems (Please read: ‘Good Morning Message #1‘).
The last such message was: ‘Good Morning Message #115‘.
Good morning Friends,
How many times you have felt totally tired,
With no energy left to even get up and move?
And then suddenly you’ve felt once more fired,
As if there is a strong counter point to prove.
Tiredness and all limits start with the mind,
And then travel to one’s various body parts.
This concerted action is, in a way, designed,
To deter a person even before he starts.
Decades ago, trapped under a Russian earthquake,
A mother kept her infant alive by feeding her blood;
If you are wondering how this marvel she’d undertake,
You got to understand there are no limits to Love.
So please try this simple experiment tonight:
Work and make yourself beyond limits tired;
Now think of a person whose love is a delight,
And see how quickly you are again inspired.
Now think of the opposite and find it true:
Without love your limits are reached faster;
Your passion or interest is the correct clue,
You are, of your boundaries, the only master.
Hence, train yourself today and everyday,
To extend the limits of mind gradually more;
And once you’re sure you are making headway,
It is time to allow yourself the universe to explore.
Mind is meant to be boundless.